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Archive for the ‘spss’ Category

The New Statistics

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Are you a statistics geek?

IBM SPSS Statistics is an integrated family of products that addresses the entire analytical process, from planning to data collection to analysis, reporting and deployment. The newest version addresses the unique needs of big data analysis and also adds some compelling risk probability capabilities via new “Monte Carlo” simulations.

Do you want to become a statistics geek?

I’m generally a words guy myself, but numbers have their place.

And increasingly, what we as mere mortals can do with those numbers using increasingly friendly, utilitarian software is making it easier than ever to manipulate numbers.

When I was in graduate school working on my master’s degree, I was exposed to statistics, and had to learn how to run stats on a mainframe computer using SPSS software.

It was anything but user friendly. For many of you, that may sound familiar.

But that has changed.  And  just today, IBM announced the newest version of IBM SPSS Statistics software (V 21), and the new enhancements are intended to ensure that the most advanced analytics techniques are available to business users, analysts, stats geeks, and the like.

Those new enhancements include simulation modeling (with Monte Carlo risk simulation capabilities), improved support for big data analysis, and improved integration with common data types and external programming languages.

You can learn more about the new SPSS here, and note, on the first page you can get both a video overview of the product, as well as a demo of the new Monte Carlo simulation capability.

Written by turbotodd

August 15, 2012 at 2:51 pm