
Ruminations on tech, the digital media, and some golf thrown in for good measure.

Archive for September 2010

Breaking Up With My Blackberry

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I’m leaving my BlackBerry.

It’s been a long and sordid affair that’s lasted a good four years.

It was fun while it lasted.  Me and BlackBerry, we traveled the world together.

My BlackBerry kept me in the loop, kept me on time for meetings, helped me catch the right airplanes at the right times.

My BlackBerry was completely faithful during our time together.  She was always there when I needed her.

But recently, I’ve noticed she’s become less attentive, less dependent, sometimes just outright scatterbrained.

She was no longer dependable.  Her operating system got hung up on a frequent basis, and she just wasn’t giving me the information I needed.  I felt at times like I’d reverted back to Windows 3.1.

So earlier this week, after a long and sweaty mountain bike ride along the Greenbelt here in Austin, she finally decided to call it quits.

The feeling, of course, was mutual.

Old loves are hard to leave behind, especially with a relationship that’s lasted for a good four years.

But it’s important to make a clean break, to look forward and not backwards.

I’m very much looking forward these days.

RIM will always have a place in my heart.

But it will no longer have a place on my belt or in my pocketbook.

Written by turbotodd

September 1, 2010 at 3:48 pm